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Tilda Rae Lakin

Graphic designer, Illustrator and Artist based in Bath

I’m intrigued by the abstract nature of the subtleties and sensitivities of life. When I create work I like to be intuitive, introspective and playful. Often I’m inspired by the simple things, the way a tree reflects on water, the vibrancy of the Indian textiles in my home or the unself-consciousness of a child’s drawing. I strive to create powerful atmosphere in my work using vivid colour, pattern and simple shape.  Instead of working on developing my own individual style, I like the aesthetic of each single project to emerge and guide the outcome. 


I find purposeful expression when combining my passions for health, nature and poetry within my illustrative design. I am passionate about people's connection with the planet and how the hidden and intricate intelligence of nature underlies everything in our lives.

Tilly Threshold colour_edited_edited.jpg



Winner of The South West Design + Digital Student Awards 2022
Proctor + Stevenson

Ultimate Creative Champion

Reconnect Exhibition Project

'Our judges were blown away by both the scope and quality of Tilly’s work, but also by the articulate and confident presentation. The concept titled Reconnect Exhibition explored an exciting range of themes in a cohesive, playful style across a wide range of materials.' (Proctor + Stevenson)


BA (Hons) Graphic Communication
Bath Spa University

Grade: First Class

Whilst on my degree course, I gathered the critical, technical and aesthetic skills necessary to become a professional graphic communicator: designer, typographer, illustrator, or image­ maker. I found my unique style and my confidence within that. 


Foundation Diploma

in Art, Design and Media
Trowbridge College

Grade: Distinction

Through testing ideas and experimentation on my Foundation course, I became more open minded and intuitive with my work. The course expected a high standard of work to be produced at a very fast pace. 

Contact me

Thank you for reaching out!

Insta: @tillylakindesign   |   Email:

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